Izračun vam omogoča, da dosežete v pasivni kretnici enak nivo jakosti pri vseh enotah v sistemu. Prilagoditev je namenjena ponavadi visokotonskim enotam, ki imajo v povprečju tudi večje izkoristke.

R1(ohms) R2(ohms)
−3 4 1.17 9.70
−6 4 2.00 4.02
−9 4 2.58 2.20
−12 4 3.00 1.34
−15 4 3.29 0.87
−3 8 2.34 19.39
−6 8 3.99 8.04
−9 8 5.16 4.40
−12 8 5.99 2.68
−15 8 6.58 1.73

For attenuation A (damping) take a positive dB value, used as convention.

For attenuation A take a negative dB value, used as convention.

Calculate the L pad resistor network
The calculator below requires a positive value for A in dB.

Speaker Impedance Z: ohms
Wanted Attenuation A: dB
L-pad Single resistor
R1 = Rserial: ohms R: ohms
R2 = Rparallel: ohms
Ztotal: ohms Ztotal: ohms



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